At HKCWTC, we follow the best quality standards that enable us to deliver accurate, reliable results to our customer.
Our laboratories comply with ISO/IEC 17025, the international standard for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. Our testing service are accredited through the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) operated by Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) under the HKSAR Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC).
please visit
While HKAS being one of the signatories of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and Asian Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation (APLAC) Multilateral Mutual Recognition Arrangement, HOKLAS is an internationally recognized scheme. Through mutual recognition agreements / arrangements (MRA), HOKLAS endorsed test reports are accepted by numbers of overseas laboratory accreditation schemes,
Overseas Laboratory Accreditation Schemes | Country |
NATA | Australia |
CNAS | China |
DANAK | Denmark |
FINAS | Finland |
COFRAC | France |
DAkkS | Germany |
NABL | India |
IAJapan / JAB / VLAC | Japan |
DSM | Malaysia |
RvA | Netherlands |
PAO | Philippines |
SAC | Singapore |
TAF | Taiwan |
BLA-DSS / BLQS-DMSc / NSC-ONAC | Thailand |
DAC | United Arab Emirates |
UKAS | United Kingdom |
ANSI-ASQ / A2LA / AIHA-LAP, LLC / A-S-B / ASCLD / IAS / NVLAP / PJLA | United States |
BoA | Vietnam |
To view all HOKLAS MRA partners and their details, please visit
And the MRA partners websites or contact them directly.